Japanese Class JICA

- Nihongo Breakthrough -
From survival to communication in Japanese....
The picture above is our graduation moment with our Tsuda-Sensei. She is very kind and passionate in teaching us and i would proudly says that she is a great nihon-go teacher.
Tumbs up - Arigato Gozaimashita
Apart of lecture, she even invites us play cards in the class... the purpose is to make us familiar with numbers (in Japanese) both in speaking and also listening. We also went to shopping mall (World Porter) to practice our speaking... went to Uketsuke asking for information... that was great!!!
After this i think is up to us (individual) to practice. Well as what our course leader says Mr. S. Furuya, we need to communicate with the Japanese people when we go out during practical session. And that wont take us very long coz on the 1st week of september we are already on field. Gambate ..... Gambate
Thanks to all for it was really fun studying .....
1st line from left :
Me, Tsuda-sensei, Abdillahi-san,
standing from left:
Soe-san, Morano-san, Anthon-san, Villamor-san, Boukharouba-san, Gonzalez-san, Sampurno-san
Not in the picture;
Matsumoto Asoko-sensei.

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